QoMEX 2024Poster and Demo Sessions

Poster and Demo Sessions

Poster 1 /  Demo & Hybrid Experiences 1 (Tuesday June 18, 14:30-16:00)

Building A


  • A1: Impact of Video Luminance on Perceptual Quality and Energy Consumption in Video Streaming (SS1)
  • A7: Towards ML-Driven Video Encoding Parameter Selection for Quality and Energy Optimization (SS1)
  • A8: Engaging yet ineffective? A video coding tool’s impact on learning (SS2)
  • A9: Quality of NeRF Changes with the Viewing Path an Observer Takes: A Subjective Quality Assessment of Real-time NeRF Model (SS3)
  • A10: A Subjective Test Framework for JPEG Pleno Quality Assessment (SS3)
  • A11: Towards Video Codec Performance Evaluation: A Rate-Energy-Distortion Perspective
  • A12: Sitting, Chatting, Waiting: Influence of Loading Times on Mobile Instant Messaging QoE


  • A2: Improving a Pupillometry Signal Through Video Luminance Modulation (invited from full paper)
  • A3: NetRate: An Application for Collecting QoE, Energy, and Network Data on Android Devices (SS1)
  • A4: QoEXplainer: Mediating Explainable Quality of Experience Models with Large Language Models (hybrid experience demo)
  • A5: Merging Places: A Real-Time Distributed Live Reverberation Chamber (SS1)
  • A6: Building a low-cost Immersive Haptic Feedback Glove for Virtual Reality (SS3)
  • Delta (center): Stereoscopic 360-Degree Hybrid Conference Experience at QoMEX 2024 (hybrid experience demo)

Demo & Hybrid Experiences 2 (Wednesday June 19, 14:30-16:00)

Building A

  • A5: Real-Time Free Viewpoint Video for Immersive Videoconferencing (hybrid experience demo)
  • A6: Interactions goes virtual: Towards Collaborative XR (invited demo from IMX 2024)
  • A7: On the identification of the leading sensory cue in mulsemedia VR applications
  • A13: Laboratory study: Human Interaction using Remote Control System for Airport Safety Management
  • A14: Immersive Telepresence for Hybrid Meetings: Gamified Tele-assistance, Museums, and Technical Support (hybrid experience demo)
  • Delta (center): Stereoscopic 360-Degree Hybrid Conference Experience at QoMEX 2024 (hybrid experience demo)

Poster 2 (Thursday June 20, 14:30-16:00)

Building A

  • A1: Comparative Analysis of Subjective Evaluations for Traditional and Neural-Based Video Enhancement Techniques
  • A2: Enhancing Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy with Haptics: The Virtual Rage Room Use Case
  • A3: Virtual Forests, Real Skills: Assessing the QoE of VR-based Occupational Training and its Impact on Experience and Learning Outcomes
  • A4: Listenability Assessment for Language Learning Through the Quality of Experience Lens
  • A5: Exploring Conversations with AI NPCs: The Impact of Token Latency on QoE and Player Experience in a Text-Based Game
  • A6: Subjective Evaluation of the Impact of Spatial Audio on Triadic Communication in Virtual Reality
  • A7: Codec Compression Efficiency Evaluation for Ultra Low-Latency Cloud Gaming Applications
  • A8: Playing Catch-Up: Evaluating Playback Speed Control in Low-Latency Live Streaming
  • A9: A Dual Rig Approach for Multi-View Video and Spatialized Audio Capture in Medical Training
  • A10: An Image Quality Dataset with Triplet Comparisons for Multi-dimensional Scaling
  • A11: The Frankenstone toolbox for video quality analysis of user-generated content

Student & staff demo exhibition (Thursday June 20, 14:30-16:00)

Building A: locations A13, A14

Building B: locations B1, B2