QoMEX 2024Accessibility FAQ

Accessibility FAQ

  • How do I communicate accessibility needs to QoMEX 2024 organizers? Attendees are encouraged to communicate any accommodation needs not addressed here. Reach out to the conference’s Diversity and Inclusion Chairs Sara Vlahović (sara.vlahovic@fer.hr) and Rakesh Rao Ramachandra Rao (rakesh-rao.ramachandra-rao@tu-ilmenau.de)  with “QoMEX 2024 accessibility inquiry” as the email subject. Keep in mind that certain requests might need early notification, so please submit accessibility inquiries as soon as possible.

  • Who do I ask if my question about the conference is not answered here? If there are any particular accessibility details you’d like included here or need to talk about your accessibility needs, feel free to get in touch with the conference’s Diversity and Inclusion Chairs Sara Vlahović (sara.vlahovic@fer.hr) and Rakesh Rao Ramachandra Rao (rakesh-rao.ramachandra-rao@tu-ilmenau.de)  with “QoMEX 2024 accessibility inquiry” as the email subject.
  • How accessible is the conference venue? The conference venue is reachable by bus, taxi or car without barriers (stairs, doorsteps) Most events happen on the same (ground) floor. The amphitheater-like lecture hall “Rio Grande” offers a ramp to get down to the speaker’s level.

  • How accessible are the social events? Most social events are accessible (ground floor, no doorsteps). In case there will be obstacles (e.g. when boarding a bus), there will be people around to help.

  •  Will the conference be accessible by wheelchair or power scooter? Yes

  • What are the restroom facilities like? There are accessible restrooms adjacent to the Delta foyer.

  • Can I attend QoMEX 2024 remotely? QoMEX 2024 is not a hybrid conference, but offers certain hybrid elements. For instance, the keynote speeches will be streamed in 360° stereoscopic format to Quest 2/3/Pro headsets. Also, remote participation to some demos and hybrid experiences is possible, but the organizers need to know this ASAP.

  • How much walking or standing will be needed? Walkways are short, 100 m from the bus stop, and 100 m between conference facilities and lunch / networking events. Some standing might occur during coffee breaks, when queuing for lunch and during demo / poster events

  • Will speakers and audience members be using a microphone during discussions? Yes

  • What food service will be provided? Can special dietary needs be accommodated? The conference will provide coffee/tea breaks, lunches and dinners on some evenings. Dietary needs can be accommodated upon registration (see item 20 in the registration form).

  • Will there be loud music, strobe lighting, spotlights, or other strong sensory experiences? Yes, to some extent during the networking event. However, the location is rather spacious so that less demanding areas can be found.

  • Will there be a designated quiet space at the conference? Yes, there will be rooms in particular in Building B, which is very quiet at this point in time as there are no more student activities (summer holidays). Please contact the registration desk.

  • Can a volunteer assist me during the conference? Volunteers will be available to assist attendees with conference navigation, registration, and similar needs. However, attendees who require personal care assistance should be accompanied by their own assistant.

  • Can I bring a personal assistant? Participation of accompanying persons to the conference banquet is possible at a cost of 150 EUR. Participation of accompanying persons to the other social events (welcome reception on Monday evening and after-party on Thursday evening) is possible at an extra cost. If interested, please write an email to general co-chairs Markus Fiedler (markus.fiedler@bth.se) and Lea Skorin-Kapov (lea.skorin-kapov@fer.hr).

  • What if there is an emergency or I experience a health problem during the conference? In case of an emergency – dial 112 to alert the ambulance service, fire brigade or police.

  • What if I experience harassment at the conference? Participants are expected to comply with the official Code of Conduct. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns relating to harassment, please immediately contact the general co-chair Lea Skorin-Kapov (lea.skorin-kapov@fer.hr).